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Kathryn Dawes raised £4,200 from 51 supporters


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Closed 01/05/2023

raised of £8,000 target by 51 supporters

    Iʼve raised £4,200 to adnewyddu Gardd y Pentre Llangrannog renovate the Llangrannog Village Garden

    Llangrannog, Ceredigion
    Funded on Monday, 1st May 2023

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Diolch o galon i'r rhai sydd eisoes wedi rhoi mor hael i'n cronfa. Mae gwaith yn mynd rhagddo’n dda ar yr ardd, gyda’r waliau cerrig gwreiddiol hardd wedi’u trwsio, ‘penau ceffylau’ (cerrig lleol mawr) yn eu lle a’r gwaith ar y llawr yn dechrau. Rydym bellach yn defnyddio llechi Gogledd Cymru ar gyfer y ffiniau barddoniaeth, sy’n arbed arian.

    Gyda chynnydd ym mhopeth o ddeunyddiau i gostau dosbarthu, rydym yn wirioneddol obeithio cyrraedd ein targed o £8,000. Rhaid inni hefyd ailadeiladu’r grisiau i’r ardd isaf fel eu bod yn fwy hygyrch a diogel nag o’r blaen; dyfynnwyd hyn yn £1,000.

    Darllenwch ymlaen am y stori lawn a diweddariadau pellach ar waelod y dudalen.

    Many, many thanks to those who have already given so generously to our fund. Work is going well on the garden, with the beautiful original stone walls mended, ‘horses heads’ (large local stones) in place and the work on the floor beginning. We are now using North Wales slate for the poetry borders, which saves money.

    With increases in everything from materials to delivery costs, we are really hoping to hit our £8,000 target. We must also rebuild the steps to the lower garden so they are more accessible and safe than before; this has been quoted at £1,000.

    Please read on for the full story and futher updates at the bottom of the page.

    Mae Pwyllgor Lles Llangrannog wedi dechrau ar y gwaith o adnewyddu Gardd y Pentre sydd wedi’i lleoli rhwng capel Bancyfelin a rhaeadr Y Gerwn.

    Dyn ni eisoes wedi codi dros £2,000 ac wedi derbyn grant gan Gyngor Sir Ceredigion i gefnogi’r gwaith. Ein nod yw codi £8000 a’n gobaith yw cael eich help chi i wireddu’r freuddwyd hon.

    Cafodd cynllun yr ardd ei greu gan Gail Robinson, person lleol sy’n arbenigo mewn gerddi. Roedd hyn yn dilyn ymgynghoriad ymhlith aelodau o’r gymuned. Teifi Landscaping sy’n gwneud y gwaith. Bydd llinellau o farddoniaeth Cranogwen yn cael eu hymgorffori yn y llawr carreg newydd. Yn y cynllun hefyd, gallwch weld mynedfa newydd mwy diogel a lleoedd i blannu planhigion o bob math.

    Crewyd yr ardd yn 19…., ac yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwetha mae’r ardd wedi cael ei chynnal gan nifer o arddwyr ac adeiladwyr lleol. Bydd y cynllun newydd yn cadw rhai agweddau o’r ardd wreiddiol fel y waliau llechi ond bydd y datblygiad newydd yn lleoliad perffaith ar gyfer cerflun Cranogwen, ein harwres leol. Dyn ni’n gweithio mewn cydweithrediad â Thîm Prosiect Cymunedol Cranogwen a Monumental Welsh Women.

    Y gobaith hefyd yw casglu digon o arian i ddarparu byrddau gwybodaeth am fywyd a gwaith Cranogwen a hefyd dathlu gwaith caled nifer o bentrefwyr yn yr ardd dros y blynyddoedd.

    Llangrannog Welfare Committee have begun work on renovating the beloved Village Garden, located between Banc-y-Felin chapel and Y Gerwn waterfall.

    We have already raised over £2,000 and have won a grant from Ceredigion County Council to support the work. We aim to raise another £8,000 and hope you can help us realise this dream.

    The garden design shown was created by local garden expert Gail Robinson following consultation with community members. Work is being done by Teifi Landscaping. The design incorporates some of Cranogwen’s poetry, which will be set into the new stone floor. The plan shows a new, safer entrance, new planters and space for hardy, annual plants.

    Built in the early 1900s, the garden has been further developed and maintained by successive local gardeners and builders. The new design aims to preserve aspects of the garden such as the original slate walls, and build on it to provide a perfect site for a statue of Cranogwen, our local heroine. We are working in partnership with the Cranogwen Community Monument team and Monumental Welsh Women to bring this idea to life.

    We also hope to have enough money to provide information boards to illustrate Cranogwen’s life and importance, as well as celebrate the hard work of many villagers in the garden over the years.



    • Kathryn Dawes1 year ago
      Kathryn Dawes

      Kathryn Dawes

      1 year ago

      Mae'r barddoniaeth wedi mynd mewn ac edrych yn bendigedig. The poetry slabs have gone down and look great. April 2023. Diolch yn fawr for recent donations 💖

      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Kathryn Dawes2 years ago
      Kathryn Dawes

      Kathryn Dawes

      2 years ago

      Sets yn mynd lawr - sets going down.

      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Kathryn Dawes2 years ago
      Kathryn Dawes

      Kathryn Dawes

      2 years ago
      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    2 years ago

    Kathryn Dawes started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 4/19/2023 09.45



    • Ben & Jane Morgan

      Ben & Jane Morgan

      Apr 19, 2023


    • Wendy Roberts

      Wendy Roberts

      Apr 14, 2023

      Daliwch ati…… mae’n edrych yn wych!! Edrychaf ymlaen at y diwrnod mawr.


    • Anonymous


      Apr 14, 2023

      Love the area. So blessed to have such beauty around.


    • Philip Rees

      Philip Rees

      Apr 11, 2023


    • ElinJ


      Apr 11, 2023

      Edrych ymlaen i weld Cranogwen yn yr ardd.


    • Anonymous


      Apr 11, 2023

      Pob lwc!

    • Anonymous


      Apr 10, 2023

      looking forward to the unveiling - the site is looking great


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    About the fundraiser
    Kathryn Dawes

    Kathryn Dawes

    Llangrannog, Ceredigion

    Ysgrifennyddes y Pwyllgor Lles Llangrannog Llangrannog Welfare Committee Secretary

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